Life, Feelings and Happiness.

Adil Shamji
5 min readAug 27, 2020

Life is awesome, you go through life similarly as a roller coaster. You have good days, when the sun is shining, and you wake up with a sense of freedom, enjoyment and no pessimistic feelings. Those are the favourable days, which you desire, need and crave. You’re happy, the breakfast tastes good, and your mood is extraordinary. You feel like doing new, adventurous stuff. The music sounds better than ever, and the time flies by. You’re more productive and valuable than ever. This is when you raise your hands in the air and scream for enjoyment (roller coaster). You don’t care about the past, no worries about the future, solely experiencing the present. This is what we should endeavor.

The middle part, were life is good. Although, could have been better. You’re probably distracted from some aspect of your life, something that is bugging you, which you certainly would like to be different. You still procure those good moments in the day, you may have a few good laughs. Where life is great, you appreciate the blue clouds, the birds singing and the captivating conversation with your friends or family. In contrast, when your mind suddenly starts wondering off, you experience the concern, that haunts you. Even though, the disturbing though may be small or coincide with other parts of you life. You undoubtedly want it to change or atleast to be different. In my view this is the middle part of the roller coaster, when you are awaiting the fun part. This state is unquestionably greatly common, you probably spend most of your life in this stage. There might be a girlfriend who’s angry, rough time in school, or you just don’t feel hundred percent definite.

The negative emotions, the stage naturally want to avoid. We do not want undergo this stage. For the most part, we strive for a fulfilled life. Where happiness is the key to almost everything, as long as we are happy, it doesn’t matter that we earn far less the average, or didn’t graduate with the highest GPA. The most important thing I will leave you with is, that “you have to be comfortable in yourself”. Stand your ground, fight for what you want to pursue, (fight or flight) and seek a honest and sincere life. With that happiness will come. This stage is when you hold on to your dear life, and scream for agony. You wake up with knots in one’s stomach. You don’t want to rise from the bed, you rush to the bathroom in a hurry, awaiting the day, with no structure, what so ever. You go through the day in survival mode. Righteous, just want the day to pass by fast. Wishing and hoping for a better day, for someone to cheer you up. This is truly atrocious, relying on others in rough situation can be tricky, but manageable. If you turn to the right people, you should definitely turn to your closest friends and family and explain your situation. It’s extremely important to be honest to yourself, others won’t. They will lie to you, since, that’s the norm. People in today’s society are self-fixed. I’m not saying most of them, not even saying lots, I’m saying a few. I have meet and actually know someone, who I can’t avoid who’s arrogant. We go to the same school, which makes it impossible to avoid. You should definitely cut out.

There are definitely good people in this world as well, I have one in my class. Who is the most humble and down to earth guy I have ever meet. Yet, he’s the smartest person I have ever meet. Which reminds me everytime, that me, myself has so much to learn, from others.

How to conquer emotional stress and depression.

I am no guru or health advisor, I have no personal experience with mental breakdowns and depression. Besides, I promise my sincere engagement. I truly want people to succeed and achieve a fulfilled life. Some tips, take it with a grain of salt. Before I start, I have nothing to gain from you suffering, but so much to attain from you well being.

Firstly, you should definitely write down all your thoughts that are bugging you, and why it’s bothering you.

Secondly, analyze if there are certain things that you can change in your day to day life. In order to overcome you fear, anxiety.

Thirdly, do something that makes you happy.

Fourtly, spend time with family, friends, girlfriends etc.

Personal experience, I am delighted to say that I have never had any mental problems or emotional difficulties. However, I have had problem with nervousness, or what you say in english. Before my driving licence test, I was drastically nervous, not just the day before, probably 2 weeks before. Every thought that wasn’t spent on a certain task, was either “what happens if i fail” and “what would others think if i fail”. This is ridiculous thoughts, I had no pressure, my parents, wouldn’t mind if i fail. Since, I probably studied to much on the theoretical exam, and me and my mum and dad, had been driving a lot. My parents, thought of it like, what’s the worst thing that can happen? Nothing, I receive my licence a bit later.

To be honest, It was hard. Not the tests, I passed them easily, but the journey. The most effective strategy, I found with dealing with rough situations is to overcome the inner voice that is doubting you.

Try this: Every time a thought comes to mind such as “I don’t know if I will be able to make it”, turn it around, “I WILL MAKE IT”, everytime time I my mind thought of the driving test, my mind would say “I will make it”. It helped tremendously. I don’t know if it has something to do with the placebo effect. You can’t do more than your best. Even though I have good grades, I know some people might have better, I don’t mind anymore, before that was an issue. Since, I have found the inner meaning of life, the grades competition is out of my head. You should try it to. I have for a while know tried to help others to the best of my ability. This quote sums it up.

“In seeking happiness for others, you will see it in yourself”

What I do to stay as healthy as possibly. For the past two days I have meditated, in the morning, in addition to reading at night before bed. I have restricted my phone usage, pretty much only use it for snapchat. I exercise daily.

When I want to become happy I always watch friends, the office, or something along those lines. If you are concern about something, we had a meditation “lecture” in sixth grade, more like someone with experience, visited and taught us some useful stuff. She said if a something is bothering you. “picture yourself driving a car, approaching a roundabout, with the thought next to you, picture your thought and yourself and the car driving away” It helps. Try it.

Something I have come across a while back was that. When I’m laying on my deathbed I won’t regret… donating that money, asking her out. For instance, those small stuff don’t matter then. You care about the important life questions. Try it, when you are scared of rejection or something along those lines. Or simply when you want to be more joyful.

This was probably my most time consuming text. Took me over a hour to write, hope you enjoy. Reach me on instagram if you have any questions, I will certainly answer.

I sincerely hope you took away something, if only one person became more intellectual and more knowledgeable. This is worth it. I’m no fame digger, who need money to help.


Over n’ out.

